Our wonderful memories of David

Created by Sandra 3 years ago
David was always a very kind, generous, and affable friend – a great storyteller, who we feel blessed to have known for over 26 years. We first met in Frankfurt where we had lots of fun parenting experiences together.
We will also cherish the travel trips, great meals, sports events and good times over the various years.
After our close friendship in Frankfurt it was wonderful to be able to reconnect again when we moved to London for 4 years in the late 90’s. It was also so special when all the Ashfield family made the massive trip down under in 2004 to visit us in Melbourne.  We had such a great time showing them all around Victoria, especially the wineries.
 Over the last few years we have stayed at Bramblebank a few times and it was so good to see David relaxed and loving his life with his new business ventures, after years working in the corporate world. 
David was an especially proud dad of Nelli, Matt and Meg and derived a huge amount of joy seeing them all mature into fine young adults and make their way in the world.
Our hearts go out to Mel, Nelli, Matt and Meg at this time. Rest in peace David.
With love and support from us all.
Ian, Sandra, Alex and Celia xx